When we feel free to be ourselves, we thrive.
Our commitment to equity, 多元化和包容性使我们能够更好地预测客户的需求, understand the challenges facing the communities we serve, 推动创新,推动行业发展,实现我们创造更美好全球领先的博彩导航网站的目标.
Taking Action
To empower those in our industry to thrive, we’re focused on four key areas to drive greater equity, diversity and inclusion within AECOM and beyond.
“Our differences make AECOM better and more innovative. When we make room for each of us to be heard, when individual experiences and perspectives are shared, 我们为客户创造更强大的文化和更好的结果.”
– Troy Rudd, Chief Executive Officer
Building Diverse Talent
To tackle the world’s most complex challenges, we attract, hire, and develop talented people of all backgrounds, and ensure inclusivity and fairness in our sourcing, interview and hiring processes. 通过我们与非营利组织和大学的合作, we offer robust internships, 研究生发展项目和志愿者机会,帮助服务不足的人群获得STEAM教育.
To invest in the communities in which we work, we partnered with a local transit agency in Phoenix, Valley Metro Rail, Inc. (VMR), 制定实习计划,为25名学生提供规划和设计方面的实践经验.
“投资年轻人是对未来的投资,我们AECOM认为这一点非常重要. 我很自豪我们能够把这些学生介绍给我们的专业,并一直欢迎有机会回馈凤凰城社区和未来的设计师, engineers and planners.”
– Alvin Livingstone, AVP and transit engineering manager, Phoenix, AZ
Learn MoreExpanding Understanding
To help every employee feel valued and included, 我们正在通过社区建设创造一个包容的工作场所, training and family-friendly benefit policies. 我们定期进行员工调查和“真实交谈”讨论,以了解员工的经历,并提供一个加深理解和同理心的论坛. 我们的员工资源小组创造了一种归属感,并引领社区拓展, 战略指导促进持续对话和提高认识.
For PRIDE, 我们与LGBTQ+的同事和盟友进行了圆桌讨论,他们分享了他们的经历.
“虽然我曾经在一些组织工作,但我觉得LGBTQ+只能被容忍, AECOM celebrates the LGBTQ+ community. 当你可以自由地走出阴影,做真实完整的自己, your potential is limitless.”
– Wendy Lopez, SVP of business development, Dallas, TX
Learn MoreEnriching Communities
Our Blueprint for a Better World platform reflects our responsibility to champion equity, 通过公益工作实现社区的多样性和包容性, volunteerism, 慈善事业以及与工程师无国界和人民之水等全球非营利组织的战略合作伙伴关系. 我们通过对供应商多样性的承诺,加深了与社区的接触, 提供领导,确保多元化的企业得到支持和成功.
“Thanks to AECOM’s Blueprint Travel Grant, 我参加了乌干达的一个外展项目,这是一个与我密切相关的项目,因为我出生在南非,血统是乌干达. With five other AECOM employees, 我加入了WeDev NPO团队,帮助偏远的津加群岛上的一家孤儿院收集, analyze and purify drinking water.”
– Kevina Kakembo, candidate quantity surveyor, Gauteng, South Africa
Learn MoreThinking Without Limits
促进公平、多样性和包容性不能孤立地完成. 通过培养更能代表我们的客户和我们所服务的社区的员工队伍, 我们能够更好地预测和回应他们的需求. Further, we prioritize the social impact and benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion, 将这些因素考虑到我们追求的每个项目和我们提供的创新解决方案中.
我们与一个广泛而多样化的设计团队合作,为L创造了新的家园.A. Clippers.
The Inglewood Basketball & 洛杉矶英格尔伍德附近的娱乐中心(IBEC), CA supports jobs and economic revitalization, bringing millions of dollars to affordable housing, renter support and to education and youth services.
Learn MoreAECOM is a place with opportunity for everyone.
“我们为促进公平所做的工作得到认可而感到自豪, diversity and inclusion, but there is still a long way to go. 我热衷于创造一个环境,让我们的员工有归属感,并得到支持,以实现他们的全部潜力.”
– Shirley Adams, Chief Human Resources Officer
我们认识到,我们并不都是从同一个地方开始的,因为优势和障碍是存在的. 我们的目标是促进AECOM的平等,确保每个人都能获得同样的机会.
我们连续六年被《皇冠体育》杂志评为“全球最受尊敬的公司”之一, 这表明我们继续致力于促进我国人民的多样性, achieve world-class safety results, 在整个组织中灌输可持续发展原则,回馈社区.
我们被胜利认可为军事友好金牌雇主是基于我们的招聘, retention, 晋升和对退伍军人和军人配偶的全面承诺. 我们长期致力于支持那些服役人员以及那些已恢复平民生活的人, 我们与许多组织合作,帮助退伍军人在服役期间和退役后获得所需的支持.